
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

姓    名:  龙金林
性    别:


职    称:研究员
学    历:博士研究生
职    务:
电    话:0591-22865813
专    业:物理化学


Fuzhou University, College of Chemistry (乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),2019,7-present,Professor

Fuzhou University, College of Chemistry (乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),2012,12-2019.6,Associate Professor

Emory University, Department of Chemistry (美国埃默里大学化学系),2015,08-2016,08,Visiting Scholar

Nanyang Technological University,School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医药工程乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),2011,12-2012,12,Research Fellow

Fuzhou University,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (福州大学化学化工乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),2009,7-2011,12,Assistant Professor

Fuzhou University,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (福州大学化学化工乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),2006–2009,Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry

Fuzhou University,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (福州大学化学化工乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),2002–2005,M.S. in Physical Chemistry,2005

Henan University of Technology,(河南工业大学粮油食品乐鱼网页版leyu登录首页),1997-2001,B.E. in Chemical Engineering of Oil, 2001  








Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (Chemical Physics),Nature Publishing Group,(2017-PRESENT)


 1.Exploring Molecular Nature of Interfacial Heterojunctions and
Heterophase Junctions of Semiconducting Oxide Nanocomposite granted from NSFC, (21373051, 2014-2017)
2.(C3N3S3)x-based polymer semiconductor visible-light photocatalyst for hydrogen generation from water and its photocatalytic mechanistic study granted from NSFC, (21003021, 2011-2013)


16.Haowei Huang?, Jinjin Lin?, Gangbei Zhu, Yuxiang Weng, Xuxu Wang, Xianzhi Fu, Jinlin Long*,A Long-Lived Mononuclear Cyclopentadienyl Ruthenium Complex Grafted onto Anatase TiO2 for Efficient CO2 Photoreduction,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2016,55(29),8314-8318.
15.Lizhou Fan, Jinlin Long*, Quan Gu, Haowei Huang, Huaxiang Lin, Xuxu Wang*, Single-site nickel-grafted anatase TiO2 for hydrogen production: Towards understanding the nature of visible-light photocatalysis, Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 320,147-159.
14.Jie Xu, Liufeng Luo, Guanrui Xiao, Zizhong Zhang, Huaxiang Lin, Xuxu Wang, Jinlin Long*, Layered C3N3S3 Polymer/Graphene Hybrids as Metal-free Catalysts for Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols under Visible Light, ACS Catalysis, 2014, 4(9), 3302-3306.
13.Jinlin Long,* Shuchao Wang, Hongjin Chang, Baozhou Zhao, Botong Liu, Yangen Zhou, Wei Wei, Xuxu Wang, Ling Huang,*, Wei Huang,*,Bi2MoO6 Nanobelts for Crystal Facet-Enhanced Photocatalysis,Small, 2014, 10(14),2791-2795.
12.Jinlin Long,* Hongjin Chang, Quan Gu, Jie Xu, Lizhou Fan, Shuchao Wang, Yangen Zhou, Wei Wei, Ling Huang,* Xuxu Wang, Ping Liu and Wei Huang*,Gold-plasmon enhanced solar-to-hydrogen conversion on the {001} facets of anatase TiO2 nanosheets,Energy & Environmental Science, 2014,7,973-977.
11. Quan Gu, Jinlin Long*, Yangen Zhou, Liming Chen, Lulu Zhao, and Xuxu Wang*, Single-site Sn grafted Ru/TiO2 photocatalysts for biomass reforming: Synergistic effect of dual cocatalysts and molecular mechanism, Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 303,141-155.
10.Jinlin Long*, Sibo Wang, Zhengxin Ding, Shuchao Wang, Yangen Zhou, Ling Huang*, Xuxu Wang, Amine-functionalized zirconium metal–organic framework as efficient visible-light photocatalyst for aerobic organic transformations, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 11656-11658.
9.Jinlin Long*, Xiuqiang Xie, Jie Xu, Quan Gu, Liming Chen, Xuxu Wang*, Nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheets as metal-free catalysts for aerobic selective oxidation of benzylic alcohols, ACS Catalysis, 2012, 2,622-631.
8.Quan Gu, Jinlin Long*,Yangen Zhou, Rusheng Yuan, Huaxiang Lin, Xuxu Wang*, Single-site tin grafted anatase TiO2 for photocatalytic hydrogen production: towards understanding the nature of interfacial molecular junctions formed in semiconducting composite photocatalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 289, 88-99.
7.Zizhong Zhang, Jinlin Long*, Lifang Yang, Wenkai Chen, Zhengxin Ding, Zhaohui Li, Xianzhi Fu, Xuxu Wang*,Organic semiconductor for artificial photosynthesis: Water splitting into hydrogen by a bioinspired C3N3S3 polymer under visible light irradiation, Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 1826-1830.
6.Jinlin Long, Quan Gu, Zizhong Zhang, Xuxu Wang*, Molecular design and XAFS characterization of active centers of solid-state catalysts, Progress in Chemistry (review), 2011, 23(12), 20-44.
5.Zizhong Zhang, Xuxu Wang, Jinlin Long*, Quan Gu, Zhengxin Ding, Xianzhi Fu*,Nitrogen–doped titanium dioxide visible–light photocatalyst: Spectroscopic identification of photoactive centers, Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 276,201-204.
4.Jinlin Long, Zizhong Zhang, Zhengxin Ding, Rusheng Ruan, zhaohui Li,Xuxu Wang*,Infrared study of the NO reduction by hydrocarbons over iron sites with low nuclearity: Some new insight into the reaction pathway, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010,114,15713-15727.
3.Jinlin Long, Xuxu Wang*, Zhengxin Ding, Ling Wu, Zhaohui Li, and Xianzhi Fu*,Binuclear μ-hydroxo-bridged iron clusters derived from surface organometallic chemistry of ferrocene in cavities of HY zeolite: local structure, bound sites, and catalytic reactivity, Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 264,163-174.
2. Jinlin Long, Xuxu Wang*, Zhengxin Ding, Jingguo Dong, Huaxiang Lin, and Xianzhi Fu*, Cyclopentadiene transformation over H-form zeolites: TPD and IR studies of formation of monomeric cyclopentenyl carbenium ion intermediate and Its role in acid-catalyzed conversions, Journal of Catalysis, 2008, 255,58-68.
1. Jinlin Long, Xuxu Wang, Guoying Zhang, Jingguo Dong, Tingjiang Yan, Zhaohui Li, and Xianzhi Fu*, A Mononuclear cyclopentadiene-iron complex grafted in the supercages of HY zeolite : synthesis, structure, and reactivity, Chemistry –A European Journal, 2007, 13,7890-7899.


4.Qishan Scholar, Fuzhou University, 2014.05-2016.5.
3.Academic Newcomer Award, Fuzhou University, Dec. 2011.
2.Excellent doctoral thesis, Fujian province, Dec. 2010.
1.Lu Jiaxi outstanding postgraduate Award, October 2008.


 Browsing my group web:long.fzu.edu.cn 
